While other remodeling projects may result in a greater change in your home, painting can update style and revitalize the room very effectively without dipping into your budget very much. With all the modern options of paint, these remodeling projects can turn any room in the house into a truly unique experience. Consider some of the following possibilities and then begin to plan your own painting upgrades as well.
Remodel With Painting
In the Kitchen
Old wood cabinets that lack the style of more modern choices could be replaced for a brand-new look, but having them painted is also a great way to remodel on a budget. One popular style for an updated home is white cabinets on the top and a dark color on the bottom such as slate gray, black or espresso brown.
Living Spaces Lift
Painting a brightly colored accent wall is still a stylish way to add interest to your living room, library, media entertainment room or home office. Although you may prefer white or a pale neutral on most of your walls, making one a striking red, brilliant blue or sunny yellow can change the whole ambience of the room.
The right paint color in a living room can change the entire mood. Just imagine a soft be living room being remodeled in a stately navy blue with white trim or a stark white with red and black accent walls.
Bedrooms Burst with Style
Relaxation and luxury is the goal of most remodels in the bedroom. With paint, can easily create this style with very soft tones such as sage green or silver gray. Bedrooms also look wonderful with darker colors, which can make them more restful for sleeping. Deep blues and greens, passionate reds and darker neutrals like chocolate brown and charcoal are all options.
One of the best things about remodeling a bedroom with paint is that, because it is a more private room in your house, there is a greater sense of freedom to do unusual things or use more unique colors. After all, your friends and family may be shocked by a bright red living room or a purple kitchen, but in the bedroom you are free to enjoy more unique personal tastes.
Exterior Paint Options
Painting your entire house a new color during a remodeling process can definitely make it stand out on your block. Of course, you do not want to stand out too much by picking an exceptionally bright or showy tone. Professional remodelers can help you choose the color that is more suitable to your neighborhood and still support your personal sense of style. Popular exterior whom colors include various neutrals, especially grays, soft terra-cotta reds, muted and darker blues and soft greens.
Other possibilities for a paint only remodel job include changing the trim color throughout the home inside or out, painting fences to delineate property lines more clearly or revitalizing an old-fashioned decorating scheme for a more modern home.